The Trustees

St Richards CE Preschool is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. The majority of the day to day running of St Richards is managed by the preschool management team, but we also have a board of trustees who oversee the best interests of our charity.

  • Debs Wignall

  • Debi Lagor

  • Hannah Mitchell

  • David Baggs - Finance Advisor

Trustees role:

  • Act in the best interests of the charity; promoting its values and working to achieve its charitable objectives.

  • Work as part of a team with the other trustees; whilst bringing their own ideas, perspectives and experiences to the committee.

  • Regularly attend committee meetings and contribute to the effective management of the charity.

  • Read committee papers and contribute to the decision-making process of the committee.

  • Work with the Treasurer to set priorities for the budget.

  • Undertake Ofsted suitability checks as required.

  • Use safe recruitment procedures and work to Early Years Foundation Stage requirements to employ suitable adults to work with the children.

  • Employ a Manager to act as the person in charge of the early years provision; supporting them to successfully manage the childcare provision and ensure that the Early Years Foundation Stage and Ofsted registration requirements are met.

  • Ensure all committee members and staff have clearly identified roles and responsibilities.

  • Submit the annual update, or annual return and accounts, to the Charity Commission.

  • Ensure that the charity complies with the rules in its constitution, charity law, and other relevant regulations that govern the work of the charity.

  • Questions and queries

    Most questions and queries can be answered by the St Richards management team, and you should direct your initial queries to the office.

  • Complaints & FAQ’s

    If you have a complaint please read our policy which outlines our complaints procedure, you can also find additional information on our FAQ’s.

  • Contact the Trustees

    if you have any concerns and you are not able to get a satisfactory response from the St Richards CE Preschool team please contact the trustees directly.