SEND - Local offer
At St Richards CE Pre-School we have an environment which enables all children to reach their full potential and achieve throughout their learning journey. We are committed to providing additional support when needed, to help all children achieve their targets.
What is the role of the SENDCO?
We have a designated Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO) within our setting and their responsibilities include:
Monitoring and reviewing our policy, practice and provision and, if necessary making adjustments
Co-ordinating specific support and strategies for individual children with special educational needs
Regular liaison with the relevant childcare practitioners within the setting to monitor progress and plan the next steps for each child’s development
Work in partnership with parents/carers and other external agencies to meet the individual needs of each child
How does the Preschool identify that my child needs extra support?
Each child has their own keyworker who works closely with you and your child and they may identify an individual need
You or other family members or carers may identify a specific need, which you can discuss confidentially with our SENDCO and/or your keyworker
Reports from healthcare professionals may identify a child’s individual needs and we will include these in your child’s Individual Support plans (ISP)
Progress checks with the health team when your child is 2 years old may highlight areas of development which requires further support
Ongoing observational assessments are made against the stages of development as outlined in the Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Observations are recorded in each child’s online learning journey
How do we support your child?
Our SENDCO will explain how children’s individual needs can be met by planning support using a written SEND Plan, or an EHCP Plan. This may include additional professional support from external agencies or one to one sessions with your child
The programme is regularly reviewed in partnership with you to monitor its effectiveness
We may be able to access additional funding to help support your child
Our SENDCO has attended specific SENDCO training and attends regular network meetings to keep up to date
Our staff have attended training to meet specific individual needs and will attend further training if necessary
All documentation is kept in the child’s file in a locked filing cabinet to ensure confidentiality
How will parents be involved?
We have an open-door policy and positively encourage parental involvement
Your child’s keyworker may suggest ways you can support your child and explain the strategies being used in the setting
Parents/carers will be involved in putting SEND Plans in place specific to children’s needs
Regular meetings will monitor the effectiveness of individual programmes involving other professionals when needed
Who will be involved in my child’s learning?
Although initial contact will be with your child’s keyworker and SENDCO, all staff will be involved with your child’s education.
Information is shared between staff to ensure effective planning meets the individual needs of all children
How accessible is the setting?
The Preschool is on one floor and can be accessed easily from the main entrance
We have an accessible toilet
Policies are updated to show inclusive practice
Risk assessments ensure children have access to all activities
What specialist services do we offer?
The setting has a qualified Early Years teacher
All staff hold Early Year qualifications
All staff hold Paediatric First Aid Certificates
Staff attend additional training appropriate to children needs
Medicines are administered in strict accordance with our Administering Medicines Policy
Staff photographs and details of their areas of responsibility are displayed on notice boards and on our website.
All practitioners are good positive role models and we ensure that flexible routines provide an environment that meets the needs of all of the children.
Moving to another school/setting
Transition forms will be completed and all documentation including SEND & EHCP Plans will be shared to ensure that there is continuity of care
Where practical transition review meetings will take place to plan the transition of your child to their new setting
In partnership with you, your child’s new school will be invited to visit our Preschool and observe your child.
Read our SEND policy here